
My Experience and Hurdles in Money Making - Tech WebSite Ranking

A couple of years back I thought of having an online business. After some research I was ready with a blueprint for it. I thought of hiring someone to build a web-site for me first and following that, things would fall in line. But, that proved to be just a thought. As I window shopped a lot and
couldn’t find anyone suitable for the job and within my limited budget. As I was a college going boy things were not so easy to me. So finally I decided to build it on my own.

The beginning

When I was starting up, WordPress was stepping up and was inexperienced in blogging. But, was not looking for a blog, instead I wanted to own a website. So I created a big blunder by creating it in Joomla.

The site got hacked, I tried fixing it. Again the same thing happened, and it got hacked number of times. And much later to my surprise I got to know that, those hacker had pressed countless pages to sell some sex medicine onto my domain. After a year of hard work and few hundreds of visitors I decided to shift to WordPress. That was the time when I got to know my depth and lack of experience and knowledge.

Learning curve

In the year 2009, I got some websites to check like Copyblogger and IncomDiary etc. I then got enrolled to them, read all the previous and whatever new they published. I tried learning and learning all these years from who so ever I thought was the best. Resulting, my site visit went from 400 to all the way up to 10,500 in the very next year.

continued the same in 2010 as well. Learning from them and experimenting on my site. By the time I had already touched the visitor number to 52,300. That time I thought that I am actually doing well but was not able to pull any money there. Therefore, I decided to go for another site the next year. As per my plan this was going to be the money maker for me. After I started with it, my visit from the two was something around 230,500.

By this time I had learnt much about traffic building, even though I was not able to make my ends meet.

Long time of hard work

I thought that even after getting such improved and good results why am I not able to hit the nail? Is there some wrong step that I am on? Till the end of the year one of my known Keith, advised me to do something that would not only teach me something new but also help me grow, which I was unable to in the last few years. I had no option, said yes happily.

What did he say?

He had asked me to gather information of the top 20 marketers in the internet world in order to build an ultimate guide for internet users. But, I wouldn’t take the whole credit, because it couldn’t have been possible alone. I included one of my best pals I found on the net itself, Pete. And, from there we took it much above the ground.

It was a great learning

Our little chat on Skype had changed our complete outlook towards the whole business. It was an amazing experience I still recall and get Goosebumps. We all did a lot of market research, experiments, and those days burning night oil is fetching us now and we are in a position to share with you our experience.

A ready guide for online money making

We got the information from all sides for you. Even from our role models we used to follow through years. It was a great experience chatting with them and getting every bit of our doubt cleared. That was really amazing. That was our regular practice every week.

Here is something we have got for you from that experience of ours.

1 Need to make a site first.

First and foremost for money making you must have a website. You can make it on WordPress or can get it done.

Need to take care of the design as it appeals the viewers at the very first place.

2 Content making

Believing that now you have a website next is getting traffic to it. As per the chat we had with the experts, blog is the best way to attract traffic to you. And to have an up and running blog you must know the way to content making.

 This was my favorite step because; as I said I was in a couple of years able to drive good number of traffic but not the right kinds. I was unable to build relation with them, and failed to solve their queries.

One good way to show up and maximize the visibility of your content is by its design.

The next thing is to totally be involved to understand your viewer understanding about blogging, so you can create such a content that forces people to take action.

The next you can take advantage of video content. As per our survey and interviewing big people, we came across this video world, and also learnt some great tools to maximize the chances on video search.

3 Attracting traffic

Till now you have a website, you have a good content, but still you are far from getting good traffic. This is the place which leaves us thinking, where we went wrong or what are we lacking.

As we all by now know that the traffic is guided through search engines and social media networks which are in plenty.

As we researched and contacted the best traffic generators, we got to know a lot again.

The best thing to exercise in order to be easily visible on search engine is your SEO management.

And of course being on Facebook and Twitter makes a hell lot of difference. There are some real masters having a following up to 1 million and 10 million also on these networks.

4 Converting traffic

Initially we are not going to have a millions of viewers but if we have in 1000s also, we can focus on converting them. Right?

There are many questions crawling our minds that how to create content that attracts traffic and sells. How to create a balance in email marketing? Now, there are many people doing this difficult task of converting traffic at a very rate.

We got to know that masters are practicing email marketing from past many years and are successful in it because they focus on their audience’s feedback and recommendations.

Webinar is the next thing to develop online business and list.

5 Earning online

Starting from the point #1 to #4, it only meant to engage your visitors by giving a solution to their common problems.

 Actually speaking about making money online, there are lots of ways to do so. But you just need to find your strength and believe in it.
Marketing digital products is not an easy task. Videos are also a big reason of people’s success, as they manipulated the power of video that people are attracted easily and the message is also conveys easily. Josh Bartlett is behind the million dollar video software that he created and successfully launched products without touching the coding.

6 Successful online company

If you be successful in making money online, means you have achieved for what you entered the online business but if you are able to make a company out of it, would be awesome.

In our interview with Ryan Lee, we asked him as to how is he able to gain that continuous paying market. He has built a loyal customer base which relies on him much.

We saw James as well creating a base of such customers who take what he recommends only.

In case you are stressed, there are 2 options

1st keep moving around online and read articles like I did, hoping to get the secret someday.

2nd you can take help of the people who have burnt their hands already on their way to success.

In this post guys, my intention was to let you know that everyone runs through the same problems but the success is a very hard nut to crack. It takes lot of research, hard work, contribution, dedication, knowledge, tac-tics, will to learn, talent and presence of mind


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