
Looking for a Needle in a Haystack : Make Your Website Easy to Find - Tech WebSite Ranking

With millions of business websites out there, how are people going to find yours? This is the main challenge of marketing, where people have to try to get their site seen first. When you’re searching online, how likely are you to browse through pages and pages of results to find the one that’s far
down the list?

There are certain strategies you can put into place if you want people to find your business website. Most of these are evergreen, meaning that no matter how much search engines change, they will remain great ways to be found. Putting them into action once can pay off over and over again.

Make sure your domain is the right one.

Some people choose their company name as a domain name, and while it’s important to own this virtual property, you might want it to redirect to a website that includes a keyword in the title. For example, if you have a company called “Frank and Sons” and you’re a plumber, using as a domain name isn’t very clear. If you choose, however, people and search engines know what you do. Make sure you don’t choose a domain name that is much longer than this, however – an unreasonably long URL is easy to forget.

Incorporate keywords when building your site.

You don’t want to build a site that doesn’t give a clue of what you do. Incorporate keywords and focus on high-quality content in order to give the maximum return on value. Think about your customer and how they will find you – someone looking for a plumber will probably search for “plumber (your city name)” or a similar phrase, for example. They may also search for a specific keyword like “emergency callout plumber (city name)” if they’re desperate, and these keywords are great to write blog posts or other short pieces of content about. You want keywords that don’t have very much competition, yet have people searching for them.

Submit your domain to search engines.

Once you have a website up and running, you shouldn’t assume people will automatically find it. The search engines might not even know they need to look there. Find submission pages for each search engine – Google, Bing, and Yahoo are some of the main search engines – and manually submit your site to each search engine. They will send a robot to index the site as soon as they can.

Look for backlinks that will help.

Backlinks are links located on another site that point to your site. You might ask a non-competing business such as an electrician in your town to post a link on their site in exchange for linking to theirs, or you could get indexed in local business directories. Post comments on others’ relevant blogs with helpful tips. Just don’t use spammy techniques like posting on unrelated topics or getting indexed in irrelevant directories.

If you don't know what are you  doing then get help

A beginner can fumble through SEO strategies, but if you really need help, don’t be afraid to seek it out. Companies exist to do exactly this for you, and they know the latest developments. Strategies that used to work may fall out of favor with Google and other search engines, and new techniques that rely on social media, for example, are coming into vogue. A professional can help you get found while you focus on keeping the customers who find you happy.

Helping people find your business website is the key to success in a world where every business has a website and people need help finding the best one. Make sure you use these strategies for success, no matter what industry your business operates in.


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