
Tips for the Freelancers Writers in Blogging Field - Tech WebSite Ranking

Writing is not a joke, but can do it with fun. You may be a freelancer, professional writer, managing clients or working hard to earn or just for fun. Whatever category you fall in the point is ultimately you are a writer of some sort and who wouldn’t want to be well known because of their writing. Here
is some advice for you all in order to be successful in blogging field, be it casual or professional.

1. You must create a professional working environment around. It is possible that you are working from home and do not have an office specially to call it your workplace. Though, you can set your place as per your comfort and convenience to draw maximum productive results. Everything must be well set and handy so you are not distracted again and again. You also need to convey to your friends and family members about your working hours, so you get privacy like in any other office. There is a genuine reason behind this point; many people still don’t take blogging, freelancing and any kind of work from home seriously.

2. Before giving anything to publish you need to do a research to get the right returns. If you are a beginner and have no experience you don’t have much scope to negotiate. That time you have go with the low returns, and when you cross a point where you can call yourself an experienced person you have all the rights to demand for a good amount of reimbursement which may be on the higher end. You can’t afford to waste your time in the work fetching you very low unless the client or the work is making some sense for you. Charging too less is also an issue, in such a case freelancer’s efforts are put to dump. So, be reasonable and charge what is the market rate and worth you and the work.

3. You must also make yourself educated in negotiating, communication, marketing, and for the time when you will be talking about your compensation.

4. You need to maintain the discipline in your working schedule to begin with something you find hard, it will make it easy for you to complete your work with ease. To work with the difficult task first and then coming to the easy one is a better idea.

5. If you have made a time-table for yourself at work and initially fine it hard to sit without work. You can chose not to waste time here, rather you can do lot of other research work on your next client or anything latest in the market improving your knowledge on that product.

6. Take care of all your emails like you do with your assignments. Write perfect and with no mistake, double check if you want to be sure of no mistakes. Check twice before sending it. Check the details that you have put in like your name, email Id, names, and titles.

7. Keep updating the contacts; also maintain a record of responses and submissions.

8. Propagate your business nationally and internationally by all means. Advertise yourself via newspapers, flyers, or online. Search for companies locally ready to give opportunity.

9. In this profession like writing colleagues are not competitors they are rather helping hands. You need to build good relation with your helping hands. They will prove to be helpful in the time of need. You can pass on your work to them if you are unable to take it, when you do that; they would also do the same.

10. Writing is all about your skills and market need of latest information. Be updated and continue researching on latest trends and opportunities. If possible join a workshop in any of the professional organizations.

11. Don’t even dare to miss the cut-off date of any assignment. If achievable, finish it much before in time. But, not post that. It will certainly give you good name which further will connect automatically to better opportunities.

12. Don’t miss your product delivery date and time at the very first place. But, in case you happen to do that let your client know it before they ask. Even though, you miss it don’t make excuses, or give xyz reasons, it’s a trait of a looser, simply ask for little more time and make sure to live up to it. You can offer the second project in a comparatively low price and make sure to push that in, on time.

13. Writing needs a lot of knowledge, reading, alteration, editing, and etc. Lot of expectation is attached with this work. If you feel that it is too much of pressure of deadlines and perfection, you are not made for it.

14. When your work in timely and prompt manner you can demand your payments to be on time as well. You being a freelancer may not be taken seriously for payments, as people think that freelancing is a kind of side business.

15. It would be a good idea to talk about references with your happy clients. Maintain the reference detail separately for your future reference.

16. When you have your track record and list of referral notes ready you can establish yourself as a writer and be an authority in freelancing. If you are doing well it means that you are doing things the right way. Now you are ready to talk about what you do and your achievements before your group. You can now start taking classes and hold workshops. Like this you will make yourself visible to all and may acquire new clients in the process.

17. You need to keep your clients on priority basis. When you feel that the talks are going good and the client is going to reward you in a long run, drain out yourself to deliver on time and maintain relation with him. Other type of clients are where they look for multiple writers and are normally slow in giving response, as they need to manage many. Also, there you will see pay rise is not often in trend.

18. Communication is the best way to avoid any confusion. So, be in touch with your client for anything that you don’t understand. Send an e-mail and get the instructions in writing to keep away from any misunderstanding. If you feel there is a need to bring changes in the process to make it work smooth, keep a polite suggestion in front of them.

19. Ask your client if they need any additional thing apart from the writing part. Do they need to check their standing so you can offer source list? Find out if they are facing any problem in presenting it. Solve it for them, as it is also a part of your job to assist them in pushing the project on air trouble free. Like this your image and future work is also cushioned and safe.

20. Give your best to each client at the time of handing over the project. This will save you time and you don’t ever have to sit without work. In the time of any problem the client will only think of you as a savior giving you all the benefits and privileges a good writer has.


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