
Few Ways to Make Commercial Blog Attractive - Tech WebSite Ranking

As per a study, blogs contribute 55% more to any business. But here the agony is to be unique between these 160 million blogs and gain people’s responsiveness. As the competition is getting tougher you also need to change your techniques and to your
advantage will be your own thoughts in easy language, which is comprehensible to all age and classes. Let’s see how we can dig into ourselves to get better results and make sure that our blog is not lost in many. 

1. Find your Interest First

We all have some kind of interest always, and we all take blogging in a different way. For some it is just a money making formula, and for some it giving out important information.  Discover within yourself for the information that you are very good at, and think will be beneficial to your target readers.

2. Think of Good Keywords for Your Site

Again by a survey it has been seen that 45% of the traffic is able to come to your site by search engine. It means that your keyword net should be strong. For that you need to think on a customer’s behalf that what kind of key words you will put to locate your kind of a site. Once you are satisfied put them on your text and title of your post.

3. Go Easy

People, who love to read, take book and blog reading and writing differently. They can read a novel of 1000’s of pages patiently, but in your blog you can’t take the risk. So, your paragraphs must be 4 to 5 lines and yes, your headline should also be able to attract the readers. If you have many things to write, you can make parts of that blog.

4. Don’t Overuse the Popup Ads

We do write blogs to earn but not at the cost of reader’s frustration. If you bombard the page with ads your readers are going to get irritated of course. Imagine what you would do if you face lodes of ads in between your reading an article. Come out of the page, right? They would do the same. And I am sure; you wouldn’t want to go off without saying a thing.

5. Make Use of Captions For Images

Pictures create a good visual effect. Since the childhood we all get fascinated to see pictures. You can take advantage of it. You can make your blog more attractive using these free pictures at and Images related to your blog with a caption will create a better effect and attract people to click on it.

6. Ask To Take Action

Your goal is increase the business, so for that you need to ask your people to subscribe for your e-books, newsletters, or prompt them to click on shop now. After reading your blog the next step should be to move further or take action.

7. Social Media Connection

The 28 % of the traffic is generated through the social network. As per the survey Facebook leads any social media sites followed by Twitter than LinkedIn. So make sure to use them wisely to your interest.


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